the virgin

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Annunciation 1469 Reproduction
Cosme Tura: Annunciation 1469 Reproduction
Albrecht Altdorfer: The Birth Of The Virgin 1525 Reproduction
Triptych 1473 Reproduction
Bartolomeo Vivarini: Triptych 1473 Reproduction
Birth Of The Virgin 1543 Reproduction
Domenico Beccafumi: Birth Of The Virgin 1543 Reproduction
Fra Bartolomeo: The Annunciation (front) Circumcision And Nativity (back) 1500 Reproduction
Francesco de' Rossi (see Sassoferrato): The Virgin in Prayer 1640-50 Reproduction
Federico Zuccaro: Assumption of the Virgin (detail-1) c. 1566 Reproduction
Gerard David: The Virgin of the Annunciation (originally part of a polyptych) 1506 Reproduction
Francesco Di Giorgio Martini: Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Triptych of the Virgin c. 1445 Reproduction
Dieric the Elder Bouts: Triptych of the Virgin c. 1445 Reproduction
Marriage of The Virgin Reproduction
Rosso Fiorentino (Giovan Battista di Jacopo): Marriage of The Virgin Reproduction
Il Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi): The Presentation Of The Virgin In The Temple 1518 Reproduction
Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75 Reproduction
Leonardo Da Vinci: Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75 Reproduction
The Virgin of the Annunciation Reproduction
Simone Martini: The Virgin of the Annunciation Reproduction
Simone Martini: The Virgin of the Annunciation 1339 Reproduction
Annunciation (Annunciazione) Reproduction
Leonardo Da Vinci: Annunciation (Annunciazione) Reproduction
The Lamentation of Christ 1467-68 Reproduction
Hugo Van Der Goes: The Lamentation of Christ 1467-68 Reproduction
The Virgin Appearing to St Hyacinth 1594 Reproduction
Lodovico Carracci: The Virgin Appearing to St Hyacinth 1594 Reproduction
Annunciation 1478-82 Reproduction
Leonardo Da Vinci: Annunciation 1478-82 Reproduction
Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75 Reproduction
Leonardo Da Vinci: Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75 Reproduction
Cosme Tura: Annunciation (detail) 1469 Reproduction
Fra Bartolomeo: Madonna Della Misericordia 1515 Reproduction
Fra Bartolomeo: God The Father In Glory Between Magdalen An St Catherine Of Siena 1509 Reproduction
Leonardo Da Vinci: Annunciation (detail 2) 1478-82 Reproduction
Adoration of the Magi (detail 6) 1488 Reproduction
Domenico Ghirlandaio: Adoration of the Magi (detail 6) 1488 Reproduction
Raphael: Coronation of the Virgin (Oddi Altarpiece) 1502-03 Reproduction
Adoration of the Child (detail) 1480-83 Reproduction
Filippino Lippi: Adoration of the Child (detail) 1480-83 Reproduction
Lorenzo Veneziano: Annunciation 1371 Reproduction
Annunciation 1609-10 Reproduction
Peter Paul Rubens: Annunciation 1609-10 Reproduction
Duccio Di Buoninsegna: Announcement of Death to the Virgin (detail 1) 1308-11 Reproduction
Mariotto Di Nardo: Annunciation 1395 Reproduction
Lorenzo Veneziano: Annunciation with Saints 1371 Reproduction
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Museum of the day: Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, Italy

Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Abraham and the Three Angels Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Blessed Agostino Novello Altarpiece Reproduction
Mocking of Christ c. 1596 Reproduction

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