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George Catlin: 'Buffalo Bull' and 'the Big Elk', 1841 Reproduction
A Comanche family outside their teepee, 1841 Reproduction
George Catlin: A Comanche family outside their teepee, 1841 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
Abraham Van Calraet: A Cavalier with a grey horse Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: An archery contest Reproduction
At The Fair,1877 Reproduction
Camille-Leopold Cabaillot-Lasalle: At The Fair,1877 Reproduction
Arctic Expedition- the Most Northern Encampment of H.M.S. Alert, 1877 Reproduction
Richard Bridges Beechey: Arctic Expedition- the Most Northern Encampment of H.M.S. Alert, 1877 Reproduction
Alfred Choubrac: Poster for the 'International Exhibition of Vienna, Austria' at the Commission Francaise, 20 April-1 July 1894 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: An Allegory of Temperance and Excess Reproduction
Honore Boze: At the oasis Reproduction
Albert Bierstadt: Indian Encampment Reproduction
Karl Bodmer: Mih-Tutta-Hankush, a Mandan Village, plate 16 from Volume 2 of 'Travels in the Interior of North America' Reproduction
Comanchee Village Reproduction
George Catlin: Comanchee Village Reproduction
Karl Bodmer: Fort pierce Reproduction
George Catlin: Buffalo Bull dance of the Mandan tribe Reproduction
Scalping and decorative use of scalps Reproduction
George Catlin: Scalping and decorative use of scalps Reproduction
G. Bramati: Eskimos at Hudson Bay, from 'Le Costume Ancien et Moderne' Reproduction
Sioux Village Reproduction
George Catlin: Sioux Village Reproduction
Felice Campi: Customs of the Inhabitants of the Mariana Islands, plate 28 from 'Le Costume Ancien et Moderne' Reproduction
George Catlin: Camp of Piekann Indians Reproduction
Encampment in the snow 1906 Reproduction
Alexandr Alekseevich Borisov: Encampment in the snow 1906 Reproduction
Count of Tripoli accepting the Surrender of the city of Tyre in 1124, 1840 Reproduction
Alexandre-Francois Caminade: Count of Tripoli accepting the Surrender of the city of Tyre in 1124, 1840 Reproduction
George Catlin: Indian Ball Game Reproduction
George Catlin: The O-Kee-Pa self-torture religious ceremony of the Mandan tribe, from a painting of c.1835 Reproduction
G. Bramati: Herding Reindeer, Lapland, plate 47 from 'Le Costume Ancien et Moderne' Reproduction
Gustave Clarence Rodolphe Boulanger: Traveling with Prized Horse 1871 Reproduction
George Catlin: Riccaree village, Native American Indian Reproduction
Pilgrim camp at Birkat Jemameh, Saudi Arabia 1879 Reproduction
Lady Anne Blunt: Pilgrim camp at Birkat Jemameh, Saudi Arabia 1879 Reproduction
William de la Montagne Cary: Scalp Dance from 'Sketches of Indian Warfare' Reproduction
Tipi Village, c.1830 Reproduction
George Catlin: Tipi Village, c.1830 Reproduction
George Catlin: Teepee of the Crow Tribe, c.1850 Reproduction
George Catlin: Osceola or 'Rising Sun', a Seminole Leader, 1838, illustration from 'The Indian Tribes of North America Reproduction
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Museum of the day: Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, Italy

Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Abraham and the Three Angels Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Blessed Agostino Novello Altarpiece Reproduction
Mocking of Christ c. 1596 Reproduction

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