Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle, Germany

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Arnold Böcklin: Mermaids at Play, 1886 Reproduction
Battle of the Centaurs, 1873 Reproduction
Arnold Böcklin: Battle of the Centaurs, 1873 Reproduction
Hans Baldung Grien: Death and the Maiden 1518-20 Reproduction
A Gondola on the Elbe near Dresden 1827 Reproduction
Carl Gustav Carus: A Gondola on the Elbe near Dresden 1827 Reproduction
Edward, Prince of Wales, with Monkey 1541-42 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Edward, Prince of Wales, with Monkey 1541-42 Reproduction
Carl Goebel: The first Armoury Room of the Ambraser Gallery in the Lower Belvedere Reproduction
Adam and Eve 1517 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Adam and Eve 1517 Reproduction
Duccio Di Buoninsegna: Madonna of the Franciscans c. 1300 Reproduction
Arnold Böcklin: The Sacred Wood, 1882 Reproduction
Duccio Di Buoninsegna: Maesta 1280s Reproduction
Charles-Gabriel Gleyre: Evening or Lost Illusions 1843 Reproduction
Study for the Family Portrait of Sir Thomas More c. 1527 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Study for the Family Portrait of Sir Thomas More c. 1527 Reproduction
Lais of Corinth 1526 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Lais of Corinth 1526 Reproduction
Albrecht Durer: Head Of St Mark Reproduction
Albrecht Durer: Lying In Room Reproduction
Albrecht Durer: St. Jerome In His Study (Without Cardinal's Robes) (or Contemplating A Skull) Reproduction
Diane de Poitiers c. 1590 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: Diane de Poitiers c. 1590 Reproduction
Diptych with Christ and the Mater Dolorosa c. 1520 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Diptych with Christ and the Mater Dolorosa c. 1520 Reproduction
Master of the Aix-en-Chapel Altarpiece: Madonna and Child, 1490-1500 Reproduction
The Last Supper 1524-25 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Last Supper 1524-25 Reproduction
Niklaus Manuel: The Judgment of Paris 1517-18 Reproduction
Leaina Before the Judges 1517-18 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Leaina Before the Judges 1517-18 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Noble Lady from Dance of Death 1524-26 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Humiliation of the Emperor Valerian by the Persian King Sapor 1521 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Venus and Amor 1524-25 Reproduction
The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb 1521 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb 1521 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach 1519 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Arrogance of Rehoboam c. 1530 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Portrait of Jakob Meyer zum Hasen 1516 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Portrait of Lady Mary Guildford c. 1527 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: The Artist's Family 1528 Reproduction
Hans, the Younger Holbein: Signboard for a Schoolmaster 1516 Reproduction
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Museum of the day: Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, Italy

Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Madonna Annunciate c. 1469 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Bargellini Madonna 1588 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Ecce Homo 1639 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Trinity (detail) 1513 Reproduction
Abraham and the Three Angels Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Massacre of the Innocents 1611 Reproduction
Blessed Agostino Novello Altarpiece Reproduction
Mocking of Christ c. 1596 Reproduction

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