Reproductions by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema

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A Favorite Custom, 1909 Reproduction
A Favorite Custom, 1909 Reproduction

The Women Of Amphissa Reproduction
The Women Of Amphissa Reproduction

A Coign Of Vantage 1895 Reproduction
A Coign Of Vantage 1895 Reproduction

Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery 2 Reproduction
Hadrian Visiting a Romano-British Pottery 2 Reproduction

A Difference Of Opinion 1896 Reproduction
A Difference Of Opinion 1896 Reproduction

Interior of the Church of San Clemente, Rome Reproduction
Interior of the Church of San Clemente, Rome Reproduction

A Bath (An Antique Custom) Reproduction
A Bath (An Antique Custom) Reproduction

A Dedication to Bacchus Reproduction
A Dedication to Bacchus Reproduction

Favourite Custom Reproduction
Favourite Custom Reproduction

A Birth Chamber Seventeenth Century Reproduction
A Birth Chamber Seventeenth Century Reproduction

A Declaration Reproduction
A Declaration Reproduction

The Vintage Festival Reproduction
The Vintage Festival Reproduction

A Kiss Reproduction
A Kiss Reproduction

Hero Reproduction
Hero Reproduction

A Female Figure Resting (or Dolce far Niente) Reproduction
A Female Figure Resting (or Dolce far Niente) Reproduction

Among the Ruins Reproduction
Among the Ruins Reproduction

A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus Reproduction
A Collection of Pictures at the Time of Augustus Reproduction

Ask Me No More, 1906 Reproduction
Ask Me No More, 1906 Reproduction

A Carol Reproduction
A Carol Reproduction

A Picture Gallery Reproduction
A Picture Gallery Reproduction

A Greek Woman Reproduction
A Greek Woman Reproduction

Sappho And Alcaeus 1881 Reproduction
Sappho And Alcaeus 1881 Reproduction

A Roman Artist Reproduction
A Roman Artist Reproduction

Under The Roof Of Blue Ionian Weather Detail Reproduction
Under The Roof Of Blue Ionian Weather Detail Reproduction

From An Absent One Reproduction
From An Absent One Reproduction

Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends Reproduction
Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends Reproduction

After the Audience Reproduction
After the Audience Reproduction

A Reading From Homer Detail Reproduction
A Reading From Homer Detail Reproduction

Spring Reproduction
Spring Reproduction

Maria Magdalena Reproduction
Maria Magdalena Reproduction

Agrippina With The Ashes Of Germanicus Reproduction

A Reading from Homer Reproduction
A Reading from Homer Reproduction

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Sir John Watson-Gordon
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Sir Peter Lely

Paintings of The Day

Flowers in a Gold Vase 1680 Reproduction
Marie Therese dAlbert dAilly Marquise du Plessis Belliere Reproduction
The Adoration of the Magi c. 1495 Reproduction
The Adoration of the Magi c. 1495 Reproduction
Costume Design for 'Le Priseur' from 'La Pisanella ou La Morte Parfumee', 1913 Reproduction
The Birth of Venus Reproduction
Bo! To a Beetle Reproduction
Study of a Young Woman, c.1880-85 Reproduction
Niagara Falls Reproduction

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