Reproductions by Utagawa Kunisada

Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   19 paintings

The actor Ichikawa Ebizo V as the deity Fudo Myoo rescuing Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Honcho maru Tsunagoro Hiranoya Tokubei accompanied by other actors as Seitaka Doji and Kongara Doji Reproduction
The actor Ichikawa Ebizo V as the deity Fudo Myoo rescuing Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Honcho maru Tsunagoro Hiranoya Tokubei accompanied by other actors as Seitaka Doji and Kongara Doji Reproduction

The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII as a Samurai Warrior Reproduction
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII as a Samurai Warrior Reproduction

Sea Dragon Reproduction
Sea Dragon Reproduction

The sumo wrestler Abumatsu Rokunosuke Reproduction
The sumo wrestler Abumatsu Rokunosuke Reproduction

Autumn Hanayashiki A geisha with a pipe design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons Reproduction
Autumn Hanayashiki A geisha with a pipe design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons Reproduction

Bando Mitsugoro III Reproduction
Bando Mitsugoro III Reproduction

Snow 1831 Reproduction
Snow 1831 Reproduction

Otawaya Onoe Kikugoro at Umemoto Reproduction
Otawaya Onoe Kikugoro at Umemoto Reproduction

Onoe Kikugoro III taking tea at Shinagawa Reproduction
Onoe Kikugoro III taking tea at Shinagawa Reproduction

Ichikawa Danjuro VII Reproduction
Ichikawa Danjuro VII Reproduction

The Actor Bando Hikosaburo as the Daughter of Wada a Nobleman Reproduction
The Actor Bando Hikosaburo as the Daughter of Wada a Nobleman Reproduction

The Actor Bando Hikosaburo V in the Role of Kudo Saemon Reproduction
The Actor Bando Hikosaburo V in the Role of Kudo Saemon Reproduction

Detail of Character Four from Five Characters from a Play by Toyokuni Reproduction
Detail of Character Four from Five Characters from a Play by Toyokuni Reproduction

Scene from Omagasaki Reproduction
Scene from Omagasaki Reproduction

Courtesans Entertaining Reproduction
Courtesans Entertaining Reproduction

Summer the river at Ryoguku A geisha combing her hair Reproduction
Summer the river at Ryoguku A geisha combing her hair Reproduction

Painting and calligraphy party at the Manpachiro teahouse 2 Reproduction
Painting and calligraphy party at the Manpachiro teahouse 2 Reproduction

Detail of Character Three from Five Characters from a Play by Toyokuni Reproduction
Detail of Character Three from Five Characters from a Play by Toyokuni Reproduction

The actors Ichikawa Kodanji IV as the Ghost of Koheiji with wai Kumesaburo as O Tsuka wife of Koheiji Sawamura Tossho II and Kijiro in a scene from the play Kohada no kaii ame no furu numa performed at the Ichimura Theatre Reproduction
The actors Ichikawa Kodanji IV as the Ghost of Koheiji with wai Kumesaburo as O Tsuka wife of Koheiji Sawamura Tossho II and Kijiro in a scene from the play Kohada no kaii ame no furu numa performed at the Ichimura Theatre Reproduction


Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   19 paintings

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Paintings of The Day

Les Fenaisons (Haymaking) Reproduction
The Fishermen's Breakfast Reproduction
Landscape with Shepherds Reproduction
A portrait of a Woman Reproduction
American Naval Officer Resisting an Attacking Tripolitan Reproduction
The Happy Family or The Married Man Reproduction
California Vaqueros Reproduction
California Vaqueros Reproduction
Death of the Cavalryman 1818 Reproduction

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