Reproductions by Soma Orlai Petrich

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12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 2 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 10 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 11 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 4 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 1 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 8 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 12 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 6 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 3 1879 Reproduction

Portrait of the Artist's Mother 1853 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 7 1879 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 5 1879 Reproduction

Coriolanus detail 1869 2 Reproduction

Arpad Mihalkovics 1856 Reproduction

King Salomon Being Cursed by his Mother 1857 Reproduction

Milton Dictates the Lost Paradise to His Three Daughters 1862 Reproduction
Milton Dictates the Lost Paradise to His Three Daughters 1862 Reproduction

Coriolanus detail 1869 Reproduction

Hand Study Reproduction

Antal Vilmos Rickl 1852 Reproduction

12 illustrations to Petofis Bolond Istok, No. 9 1879 Reproduction

Frontispiece of the first edition of Janos vitez 1845 Reproduction

Series Szep Ilonka- IV. The Toast 1866 Reproduction

Zach Felician detail 1860 2 Reproduction

Zach Felician detail 1860 Reproduction

Series Szep Ilonka- II. The Surprise 1866 Reproduction

Series Szep Ilonka- I. Preying On 1866 Reproduction

Series Szep Ilonka- VI. The Recognition 1865 Reproduction

Series Szep Ilonka- III. The Introduction 1866 Reproduction

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Sketch for the Bevilacqua Altarpiece Reproduction

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