Reproductions by Paulus Potter

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A Farm 1649 Reproduction

A Husbandman with his Herd 1648 Reproduction
A Husbandman with his Herd 1648 Reproduction

A Barnyard With Two Plough Horses Reproduction

A Landscape with Cows, Sheep, and Horses by a Barn 1651 Reproduction

A Husbandman with his Herd (detail) 1648 Reproduction

The Farm 1649 Reproduction

The Spotted Horse Reproduction

Four Bulls Reproduction

Horses in a Field Reproduction

Cows in a Meadow Reproduction

Diederik Tulp 1653 Reproduction

Bridge in an Italian Landscape Reproduction
Bridge in an Italian Landscape Reproduction

Young Bull 1647 Reproduction

Resting Herd 1652 Reproduction

Landscape with Shepherdess and Shepherd Playing Flute 1642-44 Reproduction

Landscape with Shepherdess Shepherd Playing Flute (detail) 1642-44 Reproduction

The Bull 1649 Reproduction

The Piebald Horse 1650-54 Reproduction

Two Cows & a Young Bull beside a Fence in a Meadow 1647 Reproduction

Peasant Family with Animals 1646 Reproduction

Cows Reflected in the Water Reproduction

Horsemen near a Barn Reproduction

Bulls and cows Reproduction


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Pauwel Casteels

Paintings of The Day

Summer on the Saco, Conway Valley Reproduction
Temple of Apollo in Phigalia 1835 Reproduction
A Woman Selling Fruit by a Cottage Reproduction
The Mill at Charenton 1750s Reproduction
Modern Magdalen Reproduction
The Old Musician 1862 Reproduction
Madonna and Child with Angels SS John the Baptist and Jerome and Two Youths from the Pazzi Household Reproduction
On the Lookout: Infantry Soldiers of the Greek Army, from The Illustrated London News, 4th October 1886 Reproduction

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Call for Aritsts: Cartasia , International Paper Festival - Biennale of Contemporary Art - Metropolis, Lunata IT Italy
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Photographs of Details of Architecture by Ellen Fisch - Jadite Galleries, New York, NY, USA United States of America