Call for Artists: International Yearbook 2009 - Latino Art Museum, Pomona, CA, USA United States of America
Lawrence Buttigieg: Views of the Female - Auberge d’Italie, Valletta MT Malta
Call for Artists: New York and Eurpean Workshops 2005 and 2006 - Creativity Workshops, New York, NY, USA United States of America
International Exhibition - Horizons - to Showcase Work by Bridget Busutil - Artimino - Villa Medicea, La Ferdinanda, Florence IT Italy
The Fables of La Fontaine; Romantic Engravings of Auguste Delierre - Van Geyt Fine Art, Budapest HU Hungary
Call for Artists: Transart Institute Seeks Five Artist Teachers - Transart Institute, Donau University Krems, Krems AT Austria
Call for Artists: The Kodak Salon - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Fitzroy, VI, AU
Global Warming - Torpedo Factory Art Center, Target Gallery, Alexandria, VA, USA United States of America
Mari Rantanen: Much of All at Once - Kunsthalle Helsinki, Helsinki FI Finland
Aqua Room Series: Clay Bodvin - Lopdell House Gallery, Waitakere City NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Random Utterness 2: Mara Bodis-Wollner, Andras Borocz, Andrea Dezso, Shandor Hassan, Thomas Lendvai, Anna Pasztor and Tamas Revesz - Hungarian Cultural Center, New York, NY, USA United States of America