Reproductions by Paul Serusier

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Harvest Scene Reproduction
Harvest Scene Reproduction

Louise Reproduction
Louise Reproduction

Talisman Reproduction
Talisman Reproduction

Apples with a Blue Dish, 1922 Reproduction
Apples with a Blue Dish, 1922 Reproduction

Still Life of Apples and Autumn Leaves, 1910 Reproduction
Still Life of Apples and Autumn Leaves, 1910 Reproduction

Breton Women Reproduction
Breton Women Reproduction

The Breton Weaver, 1888 Reproduction
The Breton Weaver, 1888 Reproduction

Still Life with Fruit and a Pitcher or Synchronization in Yellow, 1913 Reproduction
Still Life with Fruit and a Pitcher or Synchronization in Yellow, 1913 Reproduction

Boys on a Riverbank, 1906 Reproduction
Boys on a Riverbank, 1906 Reproduction

Landscape with a Bird and a Toad Reproduction
Landscape with a Bird and a Toad Reproduction

Seaweed Gatherer, 1890 Reproduction
Seaweed Gatherer, 1890 Reproduction

Solitude, Huelgoat Landscape, c.1892 Reproduction
Solitude, Huelgoat Landscape, c.1892 Reproduction

Bretons in the Forest of Huelgoat, 1893 Reproduction
Bretons in the Forest of Huelgoat, 1893 Reproduction

The Embroideress Reproduction
The Embroideress Reproduction

Eve Picking the Apple Reproduction
Eve Picking the Apple Reproduction

Bords de Mer Reproduction
Bords de Mer Reproduction

Landscape at Le Pouldu, 1890 Reproduction
Landscape at Le Pouldu, 1890 Reproduction

Melancholia, or Breton Eve, c.1890 Reproduction
Melancholia, or Breton Eve, c.1890 Reproduction

Madame Serusier with a Parasol, 1912 Reproduction
Madame Serusier with a Parasol, 1912 Reproduction

Portrait of Jan Verkade (1868-1946) at Beuron Reproduction
Portrait of Jan Verkade (1868-1946) at Beuron Reproduction

Four Seasons Sellers in Brittany, illustration from 'La Revue Blanche', May 1894 Reproduction
Four Seasons Sellers in Brittany, illustration from 'La Revue Blanche', May 1894 Reproduction

The Wrestling Bretons, c.1893 Reproduction
The Wrestling Bretons, c.1893 Reproduction

Still Life with Onions, c.1896 Reproduction
Still Life with Onions, c.1896 Reproduction

Landscape Reproduction
Landscape Reproduction

Washerwomen, c.1891-92 Reproduction
Washerwomen, c.1891-92 Reproduction

The Downpour Reproduction
The Downpour Reproduction

The Incantation, or The Holy Wood, 1891 Reproduction
The Incantation, or The Holy Wood, 1891 Reproduction

The Fabric Seller, c.1898 Reproduction
The Fabric Seller, c.1898 Reproduction

Evening Reproduction
Evening Reproduction

The Harvest Reproduction
The Harvest Reproduction

The Garland of Roses, c.1898 Reproduction
The Garland of Roses, c.1898 Reproduction

Young Breton Women wearing Shawls, or The Girls of Douarnenez, 1895 Reproduction
Young Breton Women wearing Shawls, or The Girls of Douarnenez, 1895 Reproduction

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Paintings of The Day

Girl Watering Plants Reproduction
Girl Watering Plants Reproduction
Le Conquet Reproduction
Le Conquet Reproduction
Ten Dollars on the First Race, Saratoga Reproduction
Ten Dollars on the First Race, Saratoga Reproduction
Still Life with Grapes and Peaches Reproduction
Still Life with Grapes and Peaches Reproduction
Cottage Interior Reproduction
Cottage Interior Reproduction
Assumption of the Virgin 1659 Reproduction
Assumption of the Virgin 1659 Reproduction
Ariel Reproduction
Ariel Reproduction
The Archway Reproduction
The Archway Reproduction

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