Reproductions by Pietro Vannucci Perugino

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Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter, detail Reproduction
Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter, detail Reproduction

Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) c. 1476 Reproduction
Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) c. 1476 Reproduction

Christ Handing the Keys to St Peter 1481-82 Reproduction
Christ Handing the Keys to St Peter 1481-82 Reproduction

Bust of St. Sebastian 1493-94 Reproduction
Bust of St. Sebastian 1493-94 Reproduction

Baptism of Christ c. 1482 Reproduction
Baptism of Christ c. 1482 Reproduction

The Family of the Madonna 1500-02 Reproduction
The Family of the Madonna 1500-02 Reproduction

Madonna and Child with Four Saints (Tezi Altarpiece) 1500 Reproduction
Madonna and Child with Four Saints (Tezi Altarpiece) 1500 Reproduction

Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) [detail: 1] Reproduction
Adoration of the Kings (Epiphany) [detail: 1] Reproduction

Baptism of Christ (detail-1) c. 1482 Reproduction
Baptism of Christ (detail-1) c. 1482 Reproduction

The Miracles of San Bernardino- The Healing of a Mute 1473 Reproduction
The Miracles of San Bernardino- The Healing of a Mute 1473 Reproduction

The Ascension of Christ 1496-98 Reproduction
The Ascension of Christ 1496-98 Reproduction

Madonna in Glory with the Child and Saints 1495-96 Reproduction
Madonna in Glory with the Child and Saints 1495-96 Reproduction

Assumption of the Virgin c. 1506 Reproduction
Assumption of the Virgin c. 1506 Reproduction

Baptism of Christ (detail-2) c. 1482 Reproduction
Baptism of Christ (detail-2) c. 1482 Reproduction

The Miracles of San Bernardino- The Healing of a Young 1473 Reproduction
The Miracles of San Bernardino- The Healing of a Young 1473 Reproduction

Christ Between The Baptist And The Satan Disguised As An Old Man Reproduction

The Baptism of Christ 1490-1500 Reproduction
The Baptism of Christ 1490-1500 Reproduction

Apollo and Marsyas Reproduction
Apollo and Marsyas Reproduction

Fortitude and Temperance with Six Antique Heroes 1497 Reproduction

Madonna with Child and Little St John 1497 Reproduction
Madonna with Child and Little St John 1497 Reproduction

Mary Magdalen Reproduction
Mary Magdalen Reproduction

Moses's Journey into Egypt and the Circumcision of His Son Eliezer c. 1482 Reproduction
Moses's Journey into Egypt and the Circumcision of His Son Eliezer c. 1482 Reproduction

The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ Reproduction

Christ Handing the Keys to St Peter (detail-2) 1481-82 Reproduction
Christ Handing the Keys to St Peter (detail-2) 1481-82 Reproduction

Pieta 1494-95 Reproduction
Pieta 1494-95 Reproduction

Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John, Saint Jerome, and Saint Mary Magdalene Reproduction
Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John, Saint Jerome, and Saint Mary Magdalene Reproduction

Tobias with the Angel Raphael 1500-05 Reproduction
Tobias with the Angel Raphael 1500-05 Reproduction

Francesco Delle Opere Reproduction
Francesco Delle Opere Reproduction

The Galitzin Triptych 1481-85 Reproduction
The Galitzin Triptych 1481-85 Reproduction

Assumption of the Virgin (detail-2) c. 1506 Reproduction
Assumption of the Virgin (detail-2) c. 1506 Reproduction

Marriage Of The Virgin Reproduction
Marriage Of The Virgin Reproduction

God The Creator And Angels Reproduction
God The Creator And Angels Reproduction

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Pietro Testa
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Pietro Uberti
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Pimen Nikitich Orlov
Ping Luo Reproductions
Ping Luo
Pinkney Marcius-Simons Reproductions
Pinkney Marcius-Simons

Paintings of The Day

Portrait De Marie-Luche de Selle de Beauchamp (Portrait of Marie-Luche de Selle de Beauchamp) Reproduction
Portrait De Marie-Luche de Selle de Beauchamp (Portrait of Marie-Luche de Selle de Beauchamp) Reproduction
Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus, and the spirit of the dead father Reproduction
Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus, and the spirit of the dead father Reproduction
A Morning Stroll Reproduction
A Morning Stroll Reproduction
Dr Syntax in Danger, from The Tour of Dr Syntax in search of the Picturesque, by William Combe, published 1812 Reproduction
Dr Syntax in Danger, from The Tour of Dr Syntax in search of the Picturesque, by William Combe, published 1812 Reproduction
Portrait Of Victor Chocquet Seated Reproduction
Portrait Of Victor Chocquet Seated Reproduction
The Poultry Market Reproduction
The Poultry Market Reproduction
Two deer in a landscape School of Jahandir Reproduction
View of Florence 1928 Reproduction
View of Florence 1928 Reproduction

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