Reproductions by Vittorio Raineri

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Temple of Aesculapius, Split, Yugoslavia, c.1820 Reproduction
Temple of Aesculapius, Split, Yugoslavia, c.1820 Reproduction

Boxing in England, illustration from Costume Antico e Moderno by Giulio Ferrario, published in Milan 1819 Reproduction
Boxing in England, illustration from Costume Antico e Moderno by Giulio Ferrario, published in Milan 1819 Reproduction

Knights of Calatrava in War Costume, Ceremonial Costume and as a Knight of the Order of St. James, illustration from Costume Antico e Moderno by Guilio Ferrario, c.1820 Reproduction
Knights of Calatrava in War Costume, Ceremonial Costume and as a Knight of the Order of St. James, illustration from Costume Antico e Moderno by Guilio Ferrario, c.1820 Reproduction

Domestic interior, Carib tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 67 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Domestic interior, Carib tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 67 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Dutch skating scene engraved by G. Bramatti Reproduction
Dutch skating scene engraved by G. Bramatti Reproduction

Idols and Ceremonial Weapons, Carib Tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 70 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Idols and Ceremonial Weapons, Carib Tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 70 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Carpet from Adeland and stones with runic inscriptions, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, c.1820 Reproduction
Carpet from Adeland and stones with runic inscriptions, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, c.1820 Reproduction

Coin and throne of Frederick Barbarossa c.1123-90 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Coin and throne of Frederick Barbarossa c.1123-90 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Interior scene depicting indians Reproduction
Interior scene depicting indians Reproduction

First Meeting of French Explorers with the Indigenous Peoples, Island of Ombay, plate 14 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
First Meeting of French Explorers with the Indigenous Peoples, Island of Ombay, plate 14 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Domestic Tools and Furniture, Carib Tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 69 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Domestic Tools and Furniture, Carib Tribe, Dutch Antilles, plate 69 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Monkeys Reproduction
Monkeys Reproduction

Chapel of William Tell, from Customs of the Various Nations, published c.1800-18 Reproduction
Chapel of William Tell, from Customs of the Various Nations, published c.1800-18 Reproduction

Roman soldiers building a fort, plate 21 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Roman soldiers building a fort, plate 21 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

The Celebration of the Festival of Mewlod in the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, plate 41 from Part III, Volume I of The History of the Nations, engraved by the artist Reproduction
The Celebration of the Festival of Mewlod in the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, plate 41 from Part III, Volume I of The History of the Nations, engraved by the artist Reproduction

Habitations of the Papu Tribe, Rawak, plate 22 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Habitations of the Papu Tribe, Rawak, plate 22 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Ancient Celts or Gauls Sacrificing a Cow, c.1800-18 Reproduction
Ancient Celts or Gauls Sacrificing a Cow, c.1800-18 Reproduction

Fleet of William the Conqueror, 1066, plate 8 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Fleet of William the Conqueror, 1066, plate 8 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Roman camp in Celtic Germania, as described by Tacitus, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Roman camp in Celtic Germania, as described by Tacitus, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Objects belonging to Indians Reproduction
Objects belonging to Indians Reproduction

Germanic Hunters and Warriors, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, Milan, c.1820 Reproduction
Germanic Hunters and Warriors, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, Milan, c.1820 Reproduction

Sugarmills, Antilles Reproduction
Sugarmills, Antilles Reproduction

Musical instruments belonging to negro slaves Reproduction
Musical instruments belonging to negro slaves Reproduction

Harold II c.1022-66 leading his troops and other scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry, from Costumes Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, engraved by G. Bramatti, Milan, 1820 Reproduction
Harold II c.1022-66 leading his troops and other scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry, from Costumes Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, engraved by G. Bramatti, Milan, 1820 Reproduction

Arnold of Winkelried, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, pub. c.1800-18 Reproduction
Arnold of Winkelried, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, pub. c.1800-18 Reproduction

Objects belonging to Indians 2 Reproduction
Objects belonging to Indians 2 Reproduction

War Dance of the Caroline Islanders, plate 22 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
War Dance of the Caroline Islanders, plate 22 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Ancient Celts or Gauls in Battle, c.1800-18 2 Reproduction
Ancient Celts or Gauls in Battle, c.1800-18 2 Reproduction

Ancient Celts or Gauls in Battle, c.1800-18 Reproduction
Ancient Celts or Gauls in Battle, c.1800-18 Reproduction

Alpaca left and Vicuna right llamas, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, Volume II, plate 12, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Alpaca left and Vicuna right llamas, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne, Volume II, plate 12, by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Viking artifacts from the museum at Elsevir, Denmark, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Viking artifacts from the museum at Elsevir, Denmark, from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

Carvings from the Church at Uppsala, plate 42 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction
Carvings from the Church at Uppsala, plate 42 from Le Costume Ancien et Moderne by Jules Ferrario, published c.1820s-30s Reproduction

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Paintings of The Day

Statue of Liberty Celebration Reproduction
Statue of Liberty Celebration Reproduction
Saint Luke as a Painter before Christ on the Cross c. 1660 Reproduction
The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds, detail depicting the two women, c.1635-40 Reproduction
Child With Orange Reproduction
Epitaph of Wierzbieta of Branice Reproduction
Portrait Of Mrs. Stanhope Reproduction
Torture of the Jew (detail) c. 1455 Reproduction
La incredulidad de Santo Tomas Reproduction
La incredulidad de Santo Tomas Reproduction

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